- 桌子腿装上了橡皮头.The legs of the table were tipped with rubber.
- 他们在他的电话上装上了窃听器,录下了所有通话。They put a tap on his telephone and recorded all his calls.
- 无孔橡皮头plain rubber tip
- 厅里所有的椅子都装上了黑皮面子。All the chairs in the lounge are upholstered in black leather.
- 橡皮头移液管teat pipette
- 楼梯踏板上铺了橡皮,以防滑跌。The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.
- 橡皮头玻璃搅棒policenan
- 重新准备军需品时,她小心地给她的枪重装上了弹药。Loading anew with ammunition,she reloaded the gun carefully.
- 这件丑闻给他的事业投上了一层阴影。The scandal cast a shadow on his career.
- 这马已装上马鞍,套上了马勒。The horse was already saddled and bridled.
- 他的腿上了石膏。He had a plaster cast on his leg.
- 我妈妈的头撞在了桌子上,这使她眼冒金星。My mother's head hit the desk. It made her see stars.
- 这艘船装上补给品准备出航。The ship refreshed for a voyage.
- 她的一条腿打上了石膏。Her leg's in a cast.
- 这炮已装上火药,准备就绪。The gun was primed and ready.
- 靠嗅觉指引,狗跳上了桌子。Following its nose, the dog jumped up to the table.
- 行李车上装上了自行车架。A bicycle rack was topped on the van.
- 编辑们做了一件极好的工作,把双方的意见都摆在桌面上了。The editors do an excellent job in putting both sides so the table.
- 那艘船载上乘客,装上货物。The ship embarked passengers and cargo.
- 这小孩撞上了桌子,大声哭喊起来。The child bumped into a table and started screaming.