- 证书certificate
- 根root
- 当验证一个证书,标签指定的文件目录中的信任的根证书。When verifying a certificate, Flash Media Server will look for trusted root certificates in the file specified by the SSLCACertificateFile tag or in the directory specified by the SSLCACertificatePath tag.
- 毕业证书diploma
- 删除根证书将使受信任根证书颁发机构失效。要删除证书吗?Deleting root certificates invalidates the trusted root certification authorities. Do you want to delete the certificates?
- 一根a length of
- 学位证书diploma
- 根号radical sign
- 根的radicular
- 资格证书credentials
- 职业资格证书job qualification certificate
- 密歇根Michigan
- 荣誉证书honorary certificate; certificate of honour
- 结婚证书marriage certificate
- 落叶归根in one's old age, one wants to return to one's home
- 学历证书academic certificate
- 辣根horseradish
- 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
- 结业证书course-completion certificate
- 密西根Michigan