- 实际回报率投资在根据通胀或通缩调整价格后的年度回报率。Real Rate of Return The annual percentage return realized on an investment adjusted for changes in the price level due to inflation or deflation.
- 有些测试是专为分析产品是否符合产品安全法例而作出的。Some tests were conducted specifically to check compliance with legislation on consumer product safety.
- 指由于政府尝试减慢通胀而导致经济进入衰退。Hard Landing A term used to describe an economy going into recession as the government attempts to slow down inflation.
- 而(shows contrast)
- 公众人士对公职人员违反行为守则而作出的投诉,由守则局的调查及监察处负责接收。The Bureau, through its Department of Investigation and Monitoring, receives complaints from members of the public, of breaches of the code of conduct by public officers.
- 他们担心出现预料不到的反对意见,使辛辛苦苦作出的调整付之东流。They feared that some unforeseen objection would sweep away all the painful adjustments.
- 而不是instead of
- 作出work out
- 使成为合适的;根据情况所做的调整。making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances.
- 公司奖给他一个金杯,以感谢他为公司发展所作出的创造性成就。He was awarded a gold cup in acknowledgment of his creative achievements for the development of the company.
- 折弯补偿的调整可以根据分配的刀具直接调整平面.Additions or adjustment to bend deduction based on tooling directly adjusts the Flat.
- 经精心考虑而作出的决定a studied decision.
- 根据人事部门政策,对通道人员职位等级的调整。Regulate the Underling people job grade according to HR policy.
- 振作,反应从失望或衰败中迅速的恢复或迅速作出的反应A quick recovery from or reaction to disappointment or depression.
- 他的父母为供他上学而作出了牺牲。His parents made sacrifices to pay for his education.
- 高度表设定,根据当地大气压力变化而对高度表所做的调整。ALTIMETER SETTING, The adjustment of the altimeter to account for local variations in atmospheric pressure.
- 我经过深思熟虑得出如下意见:一项涉及到对挑衅所作出的审慎反应的经过深思熟虑的政策My considered opinion; a considered policy involving a measured response to provocations.
- 在教育改革当中,不可能只顾及学校制度的调整而忽略了教师。They should not be ignored while the school system is revamped.
- 他作出的新假设被认为是有充分根据的。His new hypothesis is considered probable.
- 很多时候,翻译员因不熟悉语文之间的文化差异,而作出错误或不妥的翻译。There are many examples of mis-translations or bad translations because the translators were ignorant of the cultural differences between languages.