- 基于日常检测结果的核酸扩增检测假阳性统计室内质量控制方法Statistics internal quality control method for false-positive in clinical nucleic acid amplification tests based on positive rates of routine testing
- DNA介导恒温核酸扩增法loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA method
- STR基因座荧光标记复合扩增检测及其法医学应用The STR Typing System by Fluorescence Labeled Multiplex-PCR Technique and its Forensic Application
- 逆转录环介导等温核酸扩增技术Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification
- 聚合酶链式反应微芯片系统用于微量生物样品的快速扩增检测An Integrated Polymerase Chain Reaction Microchip System for Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sample Quick Amplification
- 人巨细胞病毒-核酸扩增(HCMV-PCR)HCMV- PCR
- 重复扩增检测repeat expansion detection; RED
- 长链核酸扩增技术评价病毒灭活效果的研究Evaluation of virus inactivation effect by using technique of long-fragment DNA amplification
- 核酸扩增Nucleic acid amplification
- 核酸扩增技术Nucleic acid amplification techniques
- 核酸扩增技术在上海血液筛检中的初步应用Preliminary experiences of nucleic acid testing in blood screening in Shanghai, China
- 扩增图谱amplification map
- 病毒核酸扩增技术NAT
- cDNA扩增cDNA amplification
- 扩增条带Amplified band
- 环介导等温核酸扩增Loop- mediated isothermal amplification
- 扩增和缺失expansion and contraction instability
- 多重耐药株以及敏感株acrAB基因扩增产物无点突变和缺失。No deletion or point mutation in acrAB gene were found in Mar and susceptible clinical Escherichia coli isolates.
- 逆转录环介导恒温核酸扩增RT-LAMP