- 线thread
- 线宽line weight
- 在线in-line
- 宽broad
- 半线宽half-linear width
- 半峰线宽half-maximum line breadth
- 本征线宽intrinsic linewidth
- 半峰值线宽half-maximum linewidth
- 泵浦频带线宽pump linewidth
- 荧光线宽fluorescence line width
- 窄线宽narrow linewidth
- 真线宽true line breadth
- 谱线宽spectral line width
- 宽线宽Broad band
- 线宽化line broadening method
- 集成电路设计与线宽0.35微米及以下大规模集成电路生产Design of integrated circuit and production of large scale integrated circuit with a line width of 0.35 micron or smaller
- 扫描线宽line width
- 吸收线宽line-width
- 振荡线宽oscillation linewidth
- 布里渊线宽Brillouin linewidth