- 国际评级机构最近调高香港的信贷评级,正好突显了稳健的重要性。Recent rating upgrades for Hong Kong given by international agencies have rightly stressed the importance of sound monetary management.
- 信贷评级机构在这个过程中扮演着重要角色。Credit rating agencies play an important role in this process.
- 人们怎能差获得核准信贷评级为信用卡?How can people with poor credit ratings get approved for a credit card?
- 但我们还可研究设立本地或区域性信贷评级机构的优劣及可行性,以至是否需要当局支援参与等。There is also a case for considering whether it is advisable or viable to establish national or regional credit rating agencies, with or without support from the authorities.
- 机构institution
- 核准sanction
- 受损的信贷借方的信贷评级恶化。Impaired Credit The deterioration of a borrower's credit rating.
- 信贷(n) financial credit
- 政府机构government organization
- 评级rating number
- 研究机构research institute
- 慈善机构charity
- 银行向自己高信贷评级的商业顾客征收的短期贷款的利率the interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings
- 金融机构money corporation
- 分支机构embranchment
- 银行信贷bank credit
- 组织机构organization
- 信用评级credit rating
- 执行机构executing agency
- 银行向自己高信贷评级的商业顾客征收的短期贷款的利率。the interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings.