- 台词actor's lines
- 这演员把台词念漏了。The actor fumbled his lines.
- 规划和建设奥运信息标志性建筑,承担奥运会的多功能应用。Some landmark IT buildings will be built,which can serve as multi-function centers for the Olympic Games.
- 演员把台词念得十分生硬The actor gave a dry reading of the lines.
- 对高级公寓和标志性的公共建筑应执行更高的节能标准。Higher energy saving standards shall be implemented for high-grade apartments and landmark public buildings.
- 念台词read the lines
- 标志性产品Aspirin is a brand-name product
- "别过于担心台词,我只是想把第一幕的一部分给你示范一下。""Don't worry to much about lines. I just want to walk you through part of Act I."
- 标志性形象district symbolic image
- 标志性成就landmark achievement
- 演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise.
- 标志性色素marker pigment
- 这演员背台词拿腔拿调.This actor rants his lines.
- 标志性品牌remarkable brand
- 即兴编台词to ad-lib one's lines
- 标志性体系representing system
- (演员的)动作演员在舞台上为了填补背台词间的停顿和提供有趣的细节所做的附加动作An incidental action performed by an actor on the stage to fill a pause between lines or to provide interesting detail.
- 标志性气体Index gas
- 结语,最后一幕一场戏或一幕戏的最后一行台词、演说或情景The concluding line, speech, or scene of a play or an act.
- 标志性数据signal data