- 雷公打豆腐,拣软的欺。The God of Thunder strikes the beancurd; bullies pick on the soft and weak.
- 半夜里偷桃吃,找软的捏Stealing peaches at midnight/picking only the soft ones
- 他每天专拣最好的桃子吃,饱餐后,就变成二寸长的小人,躺在树梢上睡觉。Everyday he picked the best peaches to enjoy, and after he had his fill, he shrunk himself to only two inches long and slept on the branch of a tree.
- 雷公打豆腐,拣软的欺the God of Thunder strikes the bean curd; bullies pick on the soft and weak
- 她总是专拣好听的说。She often sings sb.'s praises.
- 他的捏拧擦伤了桃子的表面。His pinching bruised the peaches.
- 专specialized
- 狙击手专拣无辜的平民射击。Snipers were picking off innocent civilians.
- 茎柿子鬼The stem persimmon ghost Jiao
- 捏to pinch (with one's fingers)
- 液态发酵柿子白酒的研究Study on the Persimmon Liquor Manufacture with Liquid State Fermentation
- 开始,他专拣小路走,为了防止追踪,还几次改变路线。At first he had taken by paths, and changed his course several times, in case of pursuit.
- 宝宝乐一种商标,用于婴儿食用的一种温和的、稀软的谷类食品A trademark used for a bland, soft cereal for infants.
- 我喜爱麦迪,他是我最喜欢的球员,但是他让我又一次的怀疑他。因此大伙是怎么认为的捏?他在季候赛会转变过来吗?I love tmac and he's my favorite player, but he's got me second guessing him. So what do you guys think? Can he turn it on in the playoffs?
- 开始,他专拣小路走,为了防止追踪,还几次改变路线。At first he had taken by paths, and changed his course several times, in case of pursuit.
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- "可是,我还有什么别的法子呢?所有的牌都捏在你的手里。""Well, what else is there for me to do? You hold all the cards in your hands."
- 软体software
- 专升本upgrade from junior college student to university student; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study