- 塞隆Seilon
- 手术前,妈妈给塞隆深情的一吻。Milagros gets a kiss from her mother before the surgery.
- 去年夏天的一场手术后,塞隆在位于秘鲁首都利马的一家医院里。Last summer she was playing with toys in hospital in Lima, five days after one of her operations.
- 曾有人提议用你凯文?考斯特纳和沙莉兹?塞隆这些大腕出演《珍珠港》,While stars like Kevin Costar and Charlize Theron were mentioned for Pearl Harbor
- 被人们称为“小美人鱼”的塞隆经过一系列手术后,其健康状况正在逐渐恢复。The two-year-old - dubbed the "little mermaid" in her native Peru - is recovering from a series of operations.
- 罗伯茨面临该奖项的竞争对手有妮可·基得曼?朱丽安·摩尔?瑞茜·威瑟斯彭及查理兹·塞隆。Roberts is up against Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Reese Witherspoon and Charlize Theron for the award.
- 塞隆的主治医生路易斯·比奥带领著一支包括外科医生、科医师以及心脏病专家在内的小组,为塞隆实施了前几次手术。She was helped along by doctor Luis Rubio, who led the team of surgeons, paediatricians and heart specialists which carried out the operation.