- 百慕大圆尾鹱cahow
- 短尾鹱Muttonbird
- 空冷岛圆环柱施工方法Construction Method of Tube Column in Air Cooling Condenser System
- 圆circle
- 圆尾diphycercal tail
- 拟圆尾gephyrocercal tail
- 点查enumeration
- 圆的roundish
- 船向小岛划去。The boat pulled toward the islet.
- 圆尾鲎Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda
- 没有查到他的死亡记录。No register of his death was found.
- 罗德岛rhode island
- 圆环traffic circle
- 一环小岛围绕着礁湖。A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon.
- 在杂志上查用餐场所。I check out place to eat in a magazine.
- 货物于上周用船运往该岛。The goods were shipped to the island last week.
- 本词典用大写字母表示查本词时请参考另一词。In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.
- 他们要估算一下这个岛的面积。They will size up the island.
- 圆头pommel
- 明查暗访overt investigation and covert visits