- 他是一位极有名望的艺术家。He is an artist of great renown.
- 我们的国际信誉极好。Our international credit is excellent.
- 有些昆虫极像叶子。There are insects which mimic leaves.
- 我想到一个极好的主意。A brilliant idea occurred to me.
- 他是个观察力极差的人。He is a man of little observation.
- 他变得极不耐烦。A violent impatience overcame him.
- 这种微粒极易悬浮在水中。Such fine particles suspend readily in water.
- 我小妹记忆力极好。My kid sister has a splendid memory.
- 花费与成果极不相称。The expense bears no relation to the results.
- 他有过极奇特的经历。He had had the most marvelous experience.
- 在古代婴儿死亡率极高。In ancient times infant mortality was extremely high.
- 这一经历极富教育意义。The experience has been tremendously educational.
- 他是一个有极强的自制能力的人。He is a man of iron self-control.
- 他是个棋艺极精的人。He is an ace at chess.
- 安妮极想忘却她的错误。Anne was eager to obliterate her error.
- 迁出伦敦是他所极不情愿的。The move from London was entirely unwelcome to her.
- 我在学校的出席情况极好。My attendance at school is excellent.
- 电视业是一个竞争性极强的行业。Television is an enormously competitive business.
- 我们城市极少有青少年吸毒。Few teenagers in our city use drugs.
- 这些小暗示对我极有益。Those little hints were very instructive to me.