- 尼斯Nice
- 雷杰律师事务所雷杰律师事务所Lei Jie Law OfficeLei Jie Law Office
- 尼斯湖水怪Nessie
- 她在一家律师事务所当打字员。She worked as a typist in a law firm.
- 杰伊jay
- 菲尔签约在一家律师事务所当见习生。Phil was articled to a firm of lawyers.
- 阿迪杰河Adige
- 阿堪尼斯特arcanist
- 宁为人杰称雄一日,不做弱者碌碌一世。Better is a cock for a day than a hen for a year.
- 办公室、事务所的职员在办公室工作的行政人员、经理或职员The administrative personnel, executives, or staff working in such a place.
- 班尼斯达尔板岩Bannisdale Slates
- 快溜,杰德,警察来了!Cheese it, Jed, the cops!
- 他是一个农村律师事务所的合伙人。He is a partner in a country solicitor's practice.
- 美尼斯Menes
- 他在一家事务所工作。He works in an office.
- 杰伊的性格中有阴险的一面。There's a dark side to Jay's character.
- 有些人相信尼斯湖水怪是存在的。Some people believe in the Loch Ness monster.
- 杰无和吉尔从山上滚下来了。Jack and Jill tumbled down the hill.
- 一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。A large office requires the employment of many people.
- 来尼斯Renex