- 国nation
- 统治权一国对于他国之支配权力The predominant influence of one state over others.
- 他父亲已过花甲之年。His father is on the wrong side of 60.
- 使通国之人重足而立,侧目而视者,无过于此辈穷凶极恶之特务人员。Ordinary people everywhere recoil and turn away in fear from these fiendish brutes of agents.
- 这是个多事之年。This is an eventful year.
- 樱国之魂Samurai Evolution Oukoku Gaist
- 耳顺之年sixty years of age; the year in life at which a person possesses an obedient ear for the reception of truth
- 国之干城Heroic defenders of the nation
- 笃老之年a very old age; a venerable age
- 国之中心In the Heart of the Country
- 大饥之年year of great famine
- 关闭吧。天国之门。将我们从我们的罪孽之中拯救出来吧!Close, Gates of heaven. Save us from all our sins and evil!
- 大治之年a year of great order
- 国与国之关系建立在相互的尊敬及和睦基础上。Relations between countries based on the fundaments of mutual respect and neighborliness.
- 女孩子的如花似玉之年是最可贵的。A girl in the flower of her age is the most precious.
- 忧国之心a heart of worrying for the country
- 及笄之年She is of the hairpin age
- 忧国之思consideration of the country
- 瘟疫之年A Journal of the Plague
- 国之四堆four dimensions of a state