- 但三年以内这个比例会迅速上升,这意味着到2001年,飞绕地球的大多数信号都将是“机器与机器的对话”。But in three years that ratio is expected to flip, meaning that by 2001 most signals zipping around the Earth "will be machines talking to machines".
- 需组装的机器与部件的详细装配图一式二份Two (2) copies of systematic assembling drawings for the machine and parts to be assembled.
- 智能机器与"蓝牙"技术集成研究策略The Strategy of Integrated Study of "Bluetooth" and the Intelligent Machine
- 以及《德国的技能机器与他国的比较》(The German Skills Machine in Comparative Perspective).
- 机器与身体Machine and Body
- 《人类与机器之间》。2002年巴尔第摩:约翰霍普金斯大学出版。Mindell, David. Between Human and Machine. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
- 桨与船就像机器与汽车。A sail is to a boat whatan engine is to a car.
- 诗与机器翻译,Poetry and machine translations silvercaat
- 机器与机构的动力学分析dynamic analysis of machine and mechanism
- 设备与机器的布置;Lay-out of equipment and machines;
- 按照产品说明操作机器与设备。Operate machinery and equipment with design specifications.
- 可拓语言与机器翻译Extension Language and Machine Translation
- 机器维修良好。The machine is in good repair.
- 以保护机器与模具并防止不良品的产生。The machine and tool and prevent the occurrence of the NG product.
- 机器运转得不正常。The machine is not operating properly.
- 图像处理与机器视觉Image Processing and Machine Vision
- 这个机器的操作很简单。The operation of this machine is simple.
- 符号计算与机器证明Symbolic Computation and Machine Prove
- 谓词逻辑推理与机器证明Predicate Logic Reasoning and Validation Based on Computer
- 坚决接受这个充斥着机器与交通工具的生活环境。Accepts this living environment that is full of machine and pileup determinedly.