- 札幌sapporo
- 札幌病毒Sapovirus
- 札幌冰雪节Sapporo Snow Festival
- 札幌餐厅,日本A Restaurant in Sapporo,Japan,1990
- 驻札幌领馆教育组Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Sapporo, Japan
- 落户札幌地区的原因Reasons for setting up in the Sapporo region
- 札幌语言中心日本语科Sapporo Language Center Japanese Course
- 在札幌泰王国名誉领事馆Royal Thai Honorary Consulate in Sapporo
- 北海道札幌市北区麻生町Asabu-town Kita-ward Sapporo-city Hokkai-do
- 如果我们坐这架飞机,什么时候会到达札幌。What time shall we arrive at sapporo if we take this plane.
- 在札幌菲律宾共和国名誉领事馆Philippine Honorary Consulate in Sapporo
- 在札幌中华人民共和国总领事馆Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Sapporo
- 位于北海道佐幌,距札幌约170公里。Set on the island of Hokkaido, 170 km from Sapporo in Japan.
- 在札幌印度尼西亚共和国名誉领事馆Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Sapporo
- 札幌市内观光,可以乘坐地铁,非常方便。The subway is a convenient way to travel when sightseeing in Sapporo.
- 如果我们坐这架飞机,我们将在几点到达札幌?At what time shall we arrive at sapporo if we take this plane?
- 日本札幌穹顶体育场的建筑概况和消防对策General survey of the vaulted building of Sapporo Gym in Japan and its neasures for fire protection
- 中华人民共和国驻札幌总领事馆经济商务室Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in sapporo JAPAN
- 厦门到札幌学生机票,北京到札幌航班时刻表,Xia men to Sapporo air tickets xia men to Sapporo special airfares xia men to Sapporo discount tickets
- 直通札幌JR列车站与札幌地铁站,步行仅3分钟。Walk for 3 minutes along concourse directly connected JR and Sapporo subway station.