- 对所期望的候选人,要求具有特殊的综合性的经验和技巧。The special mix of experience and skills are required of the prospective candidate.
- 对所期望的候选人,要求具有特殊的综合性的经验和技巧。The special mix of experience and skills are required of the prospective candidate.
- 期望expectation
- 候选人candidate
- 反对党至今已进行了许多竞选活动,但就等我们的候选人上阵了。The opposition party has made much of the running so far but just wait until our candidate the field.
- 教师期望的改变对初中生自我价值感及动机信念影响的实验研究Experimental Researches on the Effects of the Teacher-expectancy on the Self-worth Sense and the Motivational Belief of Middle School Students
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 我向来喜欢看他的影片,但他最近的一部并不像我期望的那么好。I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didn't live up to my expectations.
- 他被认为是一位历史清白的候选人。He was considered a candidate with a clean record.
- 用户抱怨说,使用命令行时,他们仅仅输入期望的命令,计算机立刻执行。With a command line, users can just type in a command and the computer executes it immediately.
- 这立即激起了被挑选的候选人的自尊心。The self-esteem of the selected candidates was immediately tickled.
- 你期望的待遇是什么?How much are you hoping to earn?
- 他是有希望的候选人。He is a probable candidate.
- 该“优化”通常不带来预期的好处;对象分配比很多人期望的更便宜。This "optimization" often does not deliver the expected savings; object allocation is cheaper than many give it credit for.
- 他会成为很难击败的候选人。He's going to be a jolly tough candidate to beat.
- 社会党的候选人已由该党总部供给了充足的事实材料。The Socialist candidate has been well primed with facts by the Party headquarters.
- 保守党的候选人当选。The tory candidate is voted in.
- 他被提名为该职位的候选人。He is slated for the office.
- 落选的候选人要求重新计算选票。The defeated candidate demanded a recount.
- 他是很有希望的候选人。He's a probable candidate.