- 朗姆酒低于标准度数30%.The rum is 30%25 below proof.
- 朗姆酒低於标准度数30%.The rum is 30%25 below proof.
- 朗姆酒低於标准度数30%。The rum is 30%25 below proof.
- 代基里酒一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar.
- 这种酒为标准度数的80%.The liquor is 80%25 proof.
- 海地生产的一种从甘蔗汁中两次蒸馏的深色朗姆酒叫什么名字?This famous dark, aromatic rum is double distilled on the island of Haiti from sugar cane juice.
- 小型酒馆:高等级的海盗们喜欢的朗姆酒和啤酒在这里供应。Tavern:Pirates on the rise like the rum and beer served here.
- 在酒吧,一杯朗姆酒和可口可乐的混合饮料花费了我10美元。It takes me %2410 to buy a mixture of rum and cola in the bar.
- 我知道你们都是些什么东西,你们只盼着喝足了朗姆酒上绞刑架呢I know you. You'll have your mouthful of rum to-morrow, and go hang.'
- 治疗感冒最好的方法是在清咖啡中多加些朗姆酒。The best treatment for a cold is black coffee liberally laced with rum.
- 他给他们每人倒了点儿朗姆酒。He poured them each a tot of rum.
- 水手们喝掉了他们每天分到的朗姆酒The sailors drank their daily allotment of rum.
- 黑朗姆酒Dark Rum
- 朗姆酒,糖酒rum
- 以朗姆酒为主要成分的饮料a drink with a rum base
- 他呷了一口朗姆酒,开始说话。He sipped a rum and began to talk.
- 你们这有朗姆酒吗?Have you got Rum?
- “哟嗬嗬,一瓶朗姆酒'You - ho - ho, and a bottle of rum!'
- 把一杯朗姆酒一饮而尽.swig down a glass of rum