- 有困难定界限.They have difficulty setting boundaries.
- 定to set
- 定界限delimit
- 这位老人攀登这条陡峭的上坡路有困难。The old man had difficulty climbing the rapid ascent.
- 由于我们许多优秀队员离开了,要组织一个球队有困难。It will be difficult to put a team together with many of our best players away.
- 为它定界限,又安门和闩,When I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place
- 3人为黑暗定界限,查究幽暗阴翳的石头,直到极处。Man puts an end to the darkness; he searches the farthest recesses for ore in the blackest darkness.
- 那孩子对于分辩蓝绿二色感到有困难。The child finds it hard to discern between blue and green.
- 人为黑暗定界限,查究幽暗阴翳的石头,直到极处,Man puts an end to the darkness; he searches the farthest recesses for ore in the blackest darkness.
- 停了一周再继续读这本书是有困难的。It's difficult to pick up the thread of this book after a week.
- 便秘有困难的、不完全的或不经常从肠道排泄干燥且硬的大便Difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry, hardened feces from the bowels.
- 摩西对耶和华说,百姓不能上西奈山,因为你已经嘱咐我们说,要在山的四围定界限,叫山成圣。And Moses said unto the LORD, The people cannot come up to mount Sinai: for thou chargedst us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, and sanctify it.
- 他是我们的亲人,因此他有困难的时候,我们有责任帮助他。He is our own flesh and blood, and so we have a duty to help him when he's in trouble.
- 摩西对耶和华说:“百姓不能上西乃山,因为你已经嘱咐我们说:‘要在山的四围定界限,叫山成圣。Moses said to the Lord, "The people cannot come up Mount Sinai, because you yourself warned us, 'Put limits around the mountain and set it apart as holy.
- 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。They manage to carry on their experiment in spite of the difficulty.
- 电子修色扫描分色后可以作局部颜色修改的能力;它用电子方式定界限和修正。大多数的电子组版系统都具有这项功能。Electronic colour retouching The ability to alter local areas of a scanned colour subject by defining and then amending them electronically. Available on most electronic page composition systems.
- 成交看来有困难,并有一些不可避免的额外费用,是否继续谈下去。Business prospect uncertain but extra expense inevitable shall we endeavor still.
- 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.
- 他常常对有困难的人帮一把,这是他引以自傲的事。He would always help a lame dog over the stile, that was his boast.
- 每一个人应让该亲切地帮助有困难的人。Everyone has to benignly help people in distress.