- 有人乱动过这把锁.Someone has been tampering with the lock.
- 有人乱动过这把锁。Someone has been tampering with the lock.
- 有人乱动过电路。Someone has tampered with the electrical circuits.
- 这this
- 你乱动过这只花瓶了。You have disturbed this vase.
- 这个钥匙不合这把锁。The key doesn't fit the lock.
- 这把钥匙打不开这把锁。The key doesn't fit the lock.
- 这位this (person)
- 这把锁很难开; 得给它加点油了。This lock rs rather stubborn; it needs oiling.
- 门上安把锁fit a lock on the door
- 要走过这座独木桥对我是件难事。Negotiation of the single-plank bridge was difficult for me.
- 把锁固定在门上;她把视线固定在那个男人身上。fasten the lock onto the door; she fixed her gaze on the man.
- 帮助我翻过这堵墙。Bunk me up, over this wall.
- 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
- 我们的祖先曾经走过这同一条道路。Our ancestors trod this same path.
- 一把锁上供钥匙插入的孔。the hole where a key is inserted.
- 你能跳过这条沟吗?Can you jump over the ditch?
- 他用螺丝钉把锁钉在门上。He screwed a lock on the door.
- 这把铲子是用铁做的。This spade is made of iron.
- 编辑已为我审阅过这篇稿件。The editor has read it over for me.