- 有五人死于火灾.Five people died in the blaze.
- 有五人死于昨夜的住宅火灾。Five people died in a house fire last night.
- 有五人死于一起交通事故。Five people died from a traffic accident.
- 在希腊南部发生了170次火灾,导致火势失控,怀疑是有人故意纵火。官员说至少46人死于火灾。Arson is suspected in some of the 170 fires that are burning uncontrolled across southern Greece. Officials say at least 46 people have been killed.
- 当时车上已有五人,可他们还是把我也带上了。There were five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.
- 有五人死於火灾.Five people died in the blaze
- 她死于火灾中所受的灼伤。She died of the burns that she received in the fire.
- 而此时大约只有五人开枪",其中的相关立案。And this time only about five shots were fired,"related one of the bearers.
- 正当难民开始重返家园时,黎巴嫩境内至少有一人死于未爆炸武器。At least one person in Lebanon was killed by an unexploded ordnance as refugees began returning to their home.
- 六人中有五人投票five out of six votes.
- 在布朗克斯,8名儿童和一名成年人死于火灾,大火吞噬了一座三层的房屋。Eight children and one adult are dead after a fire tore through a three-storey house in the Bronx.
- 当海啸不久之后真的来袭时,仅有五人丧生。When a tsunami struck the islands soon after, it killed only five people.
- 除我以外还有五人迟到。Five others were late besides me.
- 数百人死于那次地震。Hundreds of people perished in the earthquake.
- 邀请了十人,只有五人出席。Ten people were invited but only five turned up.
- 在这次海难中只有五名船员幸免于死。Only five of the crew survived the shipwreck.
- 热带国家许多人死于疾病。A lot of people in tropical countries perish from disease.
- 火灾中有五人丧生。Five people died in the blaze.
- 他们对30人进行了面试, 其中有五人符合候选条件.They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles.
- 数以百计的人死于那次地震。Hundreds of people perished in the earthquake.