- 有了好酒饭就香.A good wine can make a meal.
- 有了好酒饭就香。A good wine can make a meal.
- "有了好差事就派别人,象这等黑更半夜送人的事,就派我.没良心的王八羔子!瞎充管家!""You give all the soft jobs to others, but when it comes to seeing someone home late at night in the dark you send me. Black-hearted son of a turtle! A fine steward you are!"
- 上周,世界粮食计划报告在尼日尔的工作有了好的进步。Last week, the World Food Program reported "good progress" in its work in Niger.
- 有了好的旅伴,旅途就变得无比短暂。---奥利拂。戈德史密斯Good company on the road is the shortest cut. ---Oliver Goldsmith
- 一看他的脸色,我就知道有了好消息。I could see from the expression on his face that there was good news.
- 阿瑟已使他商店的营业额有了很大的增长,他已决定把它作为营业发达的商行卖掉。Arthur has greatly increased the turnover of his shop and he's decided to sell it as a going concern.
- 你已经有了好的开始。You've made a good start.
- 展览会使我们对贵方的出口产品有了更多的了解。The exhibition gives us a better idea of your export.
- 狗狗忽然有了好办法,他点起火,开始煎鱼喽!Suddenly the dog hit upon a good idea. He lit up a fire and began to fry fish.
- 我决定先静观其变,等有了好一些的工作再说。I decided to tread water until a better job came along.
- 市场经济,在封建社会时期就有了萌芽。Market economy was in its embryonic stages as early as feudalist society.
- 有了“班长”,大家就要帮助他当好。Once that body has a "squad leader",everyone should help him perform his duty well.
- 如果现代物理学家有了好的设备,他们能在实验室里创造出超高温和超低温。Modern physicists can bring the ultra -high and ultra-low temperature into being in their laboratories if they have good equipment.
- 她痊愈以后就有了神经性痉挛,一直也没有好。When she recovered she had the nervous tic that she'd had ever since.
- 无论做什么都要苦练基本功,有了好的基本功以后学起来才会容易些。Whatever you do, you should practise your basic skills hard, then you can learn more easily later.
- 他一有了新的电视机,就扔了那台旧的。As soon as he got a new TV set, he cast aside the old one.
- 如果有了好的浏览器,您就可以看到一幅概念的视图,可以自由地浏览,而不必担心忘记前后关系。With good browsers, you can see a conceptual view and move around freely without loosing your context.
- 很好的工作源于很好的学校教育,我们已经有了一个很好的开端。Good jobs begin with good schools and here we've made a fine start.
- 自从我有了新的工作,生活就比较宽裕了。Since I got my new job I've been better off.