- 月球上荒凉的景色.the gaunt landscape of the moon
- 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together.
- 要是把她错失的良机连起来,一直可以延伸到月球上去。If all her passed-up chances were placed end to end, they'd stretch to the moon.
- 松树几乎总是长在凌乱荒凉的地方,但它却把周围的景色点缀得井井有条,蔚然可观。The pine, placed nearly always among scenes disordered and desolate, bring into them all possible elements of order and precision.
- 当时我就思忖,不管我们将面临多么荒凉的景色,恐怕再也不会害怕那儿的天气比这里更令人难受的了。I had reflected then that, whatever scense of desolation lay ahead of us, I never feared one more brutal than this.
- 现在人类不仅把地球弄得乌七八糟,而且把一些金属产品扔到了月球上。Now man not only littered the earth, but also has left a number of metal products on the moon.
- 他们爬山上了山顶,以便更清楚地看到这个城市的景色。They climbed to the top of the hill so that they could get stuck in the traffic.
- 不知道为什么一开长途,前挡风玻璃上总是落满鸟粪?短途时去多荒凉的地方也没有.Some place, like central california, has so many bugs that they hit on the windshield cuasing those sticky ugly marks.
- 第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。The first walk on the moon is quite an accomplishment.
- 这里也有凛冽荒凉的海边那种礁岩嶙峋,沙丘起伏的景色。It possessed every outcropping of rock, every curve of sand dune on a barren and gelid shore.
- 月球上的地球阴影很清晰。The earth's shadow on the moon was quite distinct.
- 地球有时把影子投到月球上。The earth sometimes casts a shadow over the moon.
- 就是在那儿,在因弗内斯城边界8公里外的一个荒凉的山坡上,他们受到英格兰军队的挑战。It was there, on a bleak hillside 8km outside the city boundary, that they were challenged by the English army.
- 有许多关于月球上月桂的神话故事。There are many fairy tales about the laurel on the moon.
- 他断言月球上没有生物。He claimed that there was no living organisms on the moon.
- 很显然月球上没有生物。It is obvious that there is no life on the moon.
- 户外烹饪始于从前荒凉的美国西部地区,那里的牛仔就在露天的野火上烹制吃的。Outdoor cooking began in the old American Wild West, where the cowboys cooked their meals over open fires.
- 月球上存在着生命吗?Does life exist on the moon?
- 在未来的时代,人们也许会在月球上度假。In time to come people may be taking holidays on the moon.
- 月球上的居民selenite