- 浮息定期存款利率根据港元最优惠利率而随之调节,让您享有更优厚利息回报。With interest rate that is pegged with the HKD Prime Rate, American Express Prime Based Time Deposits allow you to earn higher interest returns.
- 有很高的利息回报to return a high rate of interest
- 最终ultimate
- 此存款为投资者提供获享高于一般定息存款的利息回报机会。This Deposit is designed to provide the investor with an opportunity to achieve a higher interest return than that offered by a fixed rate deposit.
- 于存款到期时,您将获取以组合中较疲弱的货币拆算本金及存款货币的利息回报。Upon maturity, you will receive your principal in the deposit currency or the linked currency, whichever have depreciated against each other.
- 最终的ultima
- 回报payback
- 贷款利率lending rate
- 利息(n) interest on money
- 最终用户end user
- 最终幻想final illusion
- 基准利率benchmark interest rate
- 透过崭新的SUPER Savings储蓄户口,您可坐享定期存款的利息回报,同时可随时提取存款,确保资金调动灵活。With SUPER Savings Account, you can earn time deposit interest rates while enjoying the flexibility of withdrawing your money anytime you wish.
- 银行利率bank rate
- 最终目标end-all
- 存款利率deposit rate
- 最终目的final purpose
- 投资回报Return of investment
- 利息收入interest return
- 对于小公司来说,利率的增长将会是灾难性的。The rise of interest rates will be disastrous as far as small firms are concerned.