- 最小服务距离minimum service range
- 最小的lowest
- 小服务程序servlet; applet
- 最小化minimum
- 最小least
- 对于小服务,小费往往给25美分。The quarter is used most often as a tip for small services.
- 最小二乘法least squares technique
- 最小公倍数lowest common multiple (L.C.M.)
- 最小水头minimum head
- 最小二乘least square(s)
- 最小水头损失minimum head loss
- 班是军队的最小构成单位。A squad is the smallest unit in an army.
- 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。Singapore, the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation, celebrated the nation independent of30 anniversaries in last week.
- 最小离地间隙minimum ground clearance
- 我是家里最小的孩子。I am the youngest child in my family.
- 堰顶水头与堰面最小压力关系Relationship between head above weir crest and minute prssure on weir surface
- 我最小的女儿刚学会看表。My youngest daughter has just learnt to tell the time.
- 最小生成树minimum spanning tree
- 最小数minimum number