- 我妻子总是让我最后拿主意。我总是说:是。My wife always lets me have the last word. It's usually,'Yes.
- 军队要员拿的有皮革套的短小的手杖或杆子。a short cane or stick covered with leather and carried by army officers.
- 最后last
- 他们家庭中讨论问题,最后拿主意的总是他的妻子。In their family discussions it is always the wife who has the last word.
- 每个人都有未经发现的品性,能够像哥伦布那样探索自己灵魂的新大陆的人,是有福气的。Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character. Blessed is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul.
- 军队要员拿的有皮革套的短小的手杖或杆子a short cane or stick covered with leather and carried by army officers
- 拿to hold
- 最后的last
- 她守口如瓶;他们事不关己,不闻不问,这才叫有福气!She kept her own counsel, blessed are they who mind their own business and hold their tongues.
- 华盖,教堂队列中所拿的或放在圣坛、宝座或讲台上的。A canopy of fabric carried in church processions or placed over an altar,a throne,or a dais.
- 我从前是这么有福气,居然得到了你,现在是这么不幸,不得不从你跟前逃去。I have been so happy to possess you, and am now so wretched as to be forced to fly from you.
- 拿出put forward
- 高智商的有智力的或显出智力的,特别是到了一个较高的水平Having or showing intellect, especially to a high degree.
- 拿着have
- 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.
- 那个人渐渐靠近机场安检处,他一直在背后上上下下的搜寻,摸摸手指,又摸摸下巴,从手上拿走某个东西,最后拿到他后背的那包雪茄,尽管机场禁止抽烟。As the man approached the airport security checkpoint here on Wednesday, he kept picking up and putting down his backpack, touching his fingers to his chin, rubbing some object in his hands and finally reaching for his pack of cigarettes, even though smoking was not allowed.
- 我从前是这么有福气,居然得到了你,现在是这么不幸,不得不从你跟前逃去。I have been so happy to possess you, and am now so wretched as to be forced to fly from you.
- 他承认是他拿的吗?Did he admit to taking it?
- 她能说出我们碰到所的有植物的名字,我不得不佩服她那广博的知识。She knew the names of all the plants we came across and I had to bow to her superior knowledge.
- 作为一名会计,他拿的薪水很高。He earn a high salary as an accountant.