- 空中最小控制速度VMCA Minimum Flight Control Speed
- 为了控制速度,滑轮必须连续旋转。In order to control speed, the pulley needs to be continually spinning.
- 速度velocity
- 最低lowest
- 用三点弯曲的装载在控制速度下刚性和半刚性塑料样品的弹性模量测定的标准方法Standard Test Method for Determination of Modulus of elasticity for Rigid and Semi-Rigid Plastic Specimens by Controlled Rate of Loading Using Three-Point Bending
- 最低的lowest
- 用三点弯曲法测定在装载控制速度下刚性和半刚性塑料样品的弹性模量的试验方法Test Method for Determination of the Modulus of Elasticity for Rigid and Semi-Rigid Plastic Specimens by Controlled Rate of Loading Using Three Point Bending
- 最低工资minimum wage
- 最低限度minimum
- 速度限制speed limit
- 电机调速的控制程序,你可以通过这个程序来设定参数,通过反馈就可以控制速度了啊!The electrical machinery velocity modulation control procedure, you may establish the parameter through this procedure, was allowed to control the speed through the feedback!
- 最低价格lowest price
- 最低要求minimum requirements
- 发展速度tempo
- 即使是这些产品,我们也规定了必须达到的最低质量要求。But even for such products we have minimum quality requirements that must be met.
- 加快速度pick up speed
- 增长速度increment speed
- 最快速度prestissimo
- 平均速度mean velocity
- 为了确定灰狗在转弯处如何控制速度,Usherwood仔细核查记录灰狗在跑道弯处的高速录像。To determine how greyhounds manage to speed around corners, Usherwood examined high-speed video recordings of the dogs running on a track.