- 香港特别行政区政府有权与任何投标者商议批出合约的条款。The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer.
- 预定的违约金出现在某些法律合约的条款,规定若一方违约,需要支付特定金额。Liquidated Damages Present in certain legal contracts, this provision allows for the payment of a specified sum should one of the parties be in breach of contract.
- 承运方的代理、员工或代表都无权更改、修改或放弃此合约的规定。No agent, servant or representative of carrier has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of this contract.
- 条款书面文件中的具体章节或一系列中的条款,如合同,章程或条约A particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract, constitution, or treaty.
- 订约人制订合约的人One who makes a covenant.
- 他在设法打其合约的退堂鼓。He is trying to back out of his bargain .
- 最后增加的条款减损了该法令的效力A stipulation added at the last minute gutted the ordinance.
- 特许经营合约的一般条件general conditions of the concession agreement
- 和约的条款是什么?What are the terms of the peace treaty?
- 有关终止雇佣合约的常见问题Frequently asked questions about termination of contract of employment
- 《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》(证监会)Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements(SFC)
- 她没有遵守协议的条款She does not abide by the term of the agreement
- 两家公司正在讨论代理权合约的细节。The two companies are discussing the details of the distributorship agreement.
- 合同的条款有待复查决定.The terms of the contract are subject to review.
- 标准信贷合约的激励机制在中小企业信贷中的失效原因分析Analysis on Failing Cause of Promoting Mechanism of Standard Credit Agreement in Medium Small Enterprises
- 协议的条款故意含糊其词.The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague.
- 违约风险条件下利率互换合约的定价Pricing of Interest Rate Swap under Default Risk
- 《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》【证监会】Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements [SFC]
- 合同中约定的条款the items stipulated in the contract
- 局部风险最小下保险合约的套期保值Hedging Strategy for Unit-linked Insurance Contract Under Local Risk Minimization