- 曲轴轴颈crankshaft journal
- 曲轴轴颈测量器crank gauge
- 曲轴轴颈表面淬火机床Crankshaft journal face hardening machine
- 气动抛光机床pneumatic polishing lathe
- 柔性抛光机床flexible polishing machine
- 发动机曲轴轴颈与轴瓦磨损及预防措施Wear of Crankshaft Journal and Bushing and Its Precautions
- 仿形抛光机床copy polishing machine tool
- 激光淬火曲轴轴颈硬化层深度分布计算Calculation on the Distribution of Laser Hardening Depth for Laser Hardening Crankshaft Neck
- 研磨抛光机床Lap-Polisher
- 机器人柔性抛光机床robotic flexible polishing machine tool
- 轴颈neck journal
- 光纤透镜研磨抛光机床Optical Fiber Lens Lap - Polisher Lathe
- 曲轴轴系crankshaft system
- 气囊式抛光机床电主轴的研制Development of Motorized-Spindle for Bonnet Tool Polishing Machine
- 曲轴轴径测量器crank gauge
- 基于模糊控制技术的光学抛光机床的改造Improving of optical polishing machine based on fuzzy control
- 内燃机曲轴轴系the crankshaft assembly of the internal combustion engine
- 轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。The journal rubs against the bearing surface.
- 气囊抛光机床数控代码生成与检验技术的研究Research on the Generation and Verification Technology of NC Code in Machine Tool of Bonnet Tool Polishing
- 内燃机曲轴轴系多体动力学分析Multi-body Dynamics Analysis on Torsional Vibration of Internal Combustion Engine Crankshaft Assembly