- 星纹绢绸herringbone spun pongee
- 曲纹紫灰蝶Chilades pandava
- 曲纹紫灰蝶指名亚种the butterfly Chilades pandava pandava
- 曲wrong
- 苏铁出叶期严防曲纹紫灰蝶危害Preventing Chilades pandava from damaging cycad during leaf emergence period
- 底纹shading
- 绢thick but loosely woven silk
- 纹line
- 三部曲trilogy
- 纹身tattoo
- 单曲single
- 金曲great hit
- 曲纹面圆柱蜗杆的参数反求原理与实践Reverse Solution Principle of Curved-profile Worms and Its Utilization
- 尾曲postlude
- 纹章heraldry
- 翘曲warp
- 细纹fine thread
- 屈曲crooked
- 妊娠纹striae gravidarum
- 水纹ter wave