- 超过50000元的部分,加征十成。That part which exceeds RMB 50000 shall be subject to an additional levy at the rate of 100 percent of tax payable.
- 瑞士的贴现率涨了半个百分点,目前是6%。The Swiss discount rate rose half a percentage point to 6 percent.
- 政府在每二十支香烟的价格上加征了十便士的税款。The government has put ten pence on the price of twenty cigarettes.
- 对所有进入到美国市场的中国产品加征27.5%的关税Impose an extra import duty of 27.5%25 on all the Chinese products exported into US market
- 半semi-
- 森林覆盖率为16.55%,比世界平均水平低10.45个百分点;The forest coverage is 16.55%25, with 10.45%25 lower than the average level in the world.
- 半年half a year
- 征journey
- 金价达到每克131元(16.15美元),比周一上升了大约1个百分点。It reached 131 yuan (US%2416.15) per gram, up around 1 per cent from the price on Monday.
- 她用了不到半个小时就为那几位突然来访的客人做了了好几样菜。She rustled the unexpected guests up several dishes in less than half an hour.
- 为减少对进口原油的依赖,也为减轻沉重的环保负担着想,中国已经制定了比美国更严格的燃料效能标准,同时正在考虑对零售汽油和柴油加征20%50%燃油附加税。With import dependence and environmental burdens in mind, China has promulgated fuel-efficiency standards that are stricter in principle than those currently in force in the United States, and it is considering imposition of a20 to50 percent national tax on retail gasoline and diesel.
- 全年经济增长率波动幅度由上年的2.7个百分点下降为0.3个百分点。The fluctuating range of economic growth rate dropped to 0.3 percentage points in 2001 from 2.7 percentage points in the previous year.
- 大火吞噬了半个村庄。The fire consumed half the village.
- 其中超过国家空气质量三级标准的城市占统计城市的9.7%,比上年度降低2个百分点。The cities exceeding national Grade III standards account for 9.7%25,with 2%25 lower than the previous.
- 他已经将半个果园的草割除。He's scythed half the orchard.
- 增大后导叶出口安放角,可以消除环量和偏流,提高泵装置效率1.6~2.4个百分点。Flow circulation and deviation could be eliminated by enlarging the back guide blade outlet incidence, and pump assembly efficiency could be increased by 1.6~2.4 percentage points.
- 无友的人只能算半个人。A man without a friend is only half a man.
- 广义货币供应量增长15.3%,比同期经济增长和零售物价涨幅之和高出10.1个百分点。Broad money supply grew by 15.3%25,10.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding economic growth and retail price index combined.
- 半个世纪前去月球旅行是难以想象的。Half a century ago it's difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon.