- 他的驾驶执照因酗酒开车被暂时吊销。His licence was suspended for drunk driving.
- 暂时吊销某人的营业执照to suspend one's business licence
- 暂时吊销或撤销牌照Suspension or revocation of licence
- 暂时吊销或撤销终局性证明书。The suspension or revocation of a certificate of finality.
- 暂时provisional
- 委员会暂时吊销了阿尔恩特在马萨诸塞州行医的执照,但他还有机会申诉。The board suspended Arndt's license to practice medicine in massachusetts, but he will have a chance to appeal the decision
- 暂时的provisory
- 暂时地momentarily
- 暂时离开step out
- 他被吊销了驾驶执照。He had his driving license revoked.
- 暂时停止intermit
- 如果你再次被发现违章超速驾驶,你的驾驶执照将被吊销。Your driving licence will be revoked if you get another speeding ticket.
- 卫生部门以吊销营业执照相威胁,督促餐馆老板搞好卫生。The health department built a fire under the restaurant owner and got him to clean the place up by threatening to cancel his license.
- 让我们在了解全部事实之前暂时不要作出判断。Let us suspend judgement until we know all the facts.
- 听证会做出裁决:只有吊销他的行医执照才能确实保护公众。The decision eoncluded: "Only revocation of his license to practice medicine will ensure protection for the public.
- 他暂时退隐了几天。He spent a few days in retreat.
- 他被吊销执照,以示惩戒。His license was revoked as a warning.
- 暂时搁置lie over
- 他执照被吊销了。His license was suspended.
- 这只是暴风雨前的暂时平静。This is just the lull before the storm.