- 上限upper limit
- 暂定interim
- 暂定的tentative
- 上限值upper limit value
- 他们计划公演一次,暂定一位电影明星做主要的卖座人物。They plan to make a show with a movie star penciled in as the attraction.
- 我们把国家一级和二级环境大气质量标准作为上限控制线。We present the National Primary and Second Ambient Air Quality Standards as upper bound guideline.
- (未决算的)暂定股利an interim dividend
- 爆炸上限UEL
- 我们已经暂定七月份在上海开会。We have penciled in a meeting for July in Shanghai.
- 外方投资没有上限。There is no top limit for the investment by the foreign party.
- 暂定解释a tentative explanation
- 上限感觉maximal sensation
- 暂定限额provisional limit
- 半功率频率上限upper half-power frequency
- 暂定预测tentative projection
- 上限力Upper force
- 暂定日程tentative schedule
- 组上限class upper limit
- 暂定员额tentative target establishment
- 上限点upper change point