- 户口registered residence
- 她准备去旅馆暂住几天。She was going to shack up in a hotel for a couple of days.
- 户口迁移domiciliary transfer
- 报户口apply for a resident permit
- 她暂住在一个朋友家里。She lodged at a friend's house.
- 他在国外暂住了几年。He stayed abroad for several years.
- 《城市户口管理暂行条例》Provisional Regulations on the Governance of Populations
- 在某人家暂住to stay with sb
- 城市户口permanent urban residence certificate
- 我们让她暂住亲戚家。We camped her with relatives.
- 户口登记机关household registration office
- 他们停止旅行,暂住在一家旅馆里。They stopped travelling and holed in at a hotel.
- 我有个亲戚要来此暂住.A relation of mine is coming to stay.
- 户口登记簿a household register
- 暂住者和流动性劳工Transients and Migrants
- 蓝印户口blue-stamp civil status
- 在医院里暂住的一夜an overnight stay in hospital
- 户口制度household registration system
- 安歇或暂住,好像在栖息所settle down or stay,as if on a roost
- 查户口check residence cards; check on household occupants