- 智慧wisdom
- 智慧的sapiential
- 场馆venue
- 智慧的结晶a crystal of wisdom
- 奥运场馆Olympic venue
- 有智慧的wise
- 举行这种比赛的运动场馆The place where such an event is held.
- 智慧树tree of knowledge
- 比赛场馆competition gymnasiums and stadiums
- 一位有智慧的将军在任何战争中都能占上风。A wise general can gain the upper hand in any battle.
- 对现有的文化场馆进行改善和美化。Various measures have already been planned to update existing cultural facilities.
- 他的眼睛闪烁着智慧灵光。His eyes rayed out intelligence.
- 出场馆out of the venue
- 她是智慧与仁爱的源泉She was a font of wisdom and good sense.
- 残奥会将使用奥运会的18个比赛场馆。18 of the Olympic venues will be used for the Paralympic Games.
- 有人说智慧是与生俱来的。It is said that wisdom is born with a man.
- 场馆群cluster
- 他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom.
- 场馆外outside the Olympic venues
- 随年龄俱增的智慧the wisdom that accrues with age