- 卡to check
- 片sheet
- 我用金融卡从银行提款I draw some money out of the bank using my money card.
- 晶crystal
- 请设定您的金融卡密码。Please set the PIN number for your ATM card.
- 半波晶片half-wave plate
- 我用金融卡从银行提款。I draw some money out of the bank using my money card.
- 本征晶片intrinsic sheet
- 金融卡fiscard
- 单石晶片monolithic chip
- 您必须先在提款机上更改密码后,金融卡才能使用。You need to change your PIN number at the ATM before it can be used.
- 晶片变形wafer distortion
- 使用金融卡购物可以打折,这点非常吸引人,但是同时利息也是相当高的。Store cards offer a tempting way to get a discount on your shopping, but they come with high interest charges.
- 晶片光刻wafer printing
- 金融卡是一种很吸引人的购物方式,没有现金的时候更能深刻体会到这一点。Store cards can be an attractive method of buying, especially when you do not have ready cash.
- 晶片识别wafer identification
- 晶片吸除wafer gettering
- 在美国,磁条信用卡、金融卡和识别卡的使用相当广泛,消费者对智慧卡的需求一向很低。In the U.S., widespread use of magnetic-stripe credit cards, bank cards and identification cards left consumers with little need for smart cards.
- 晶片正面front wafer surface
- 晶片夹wafer clip