- 所提出的事实会揭示社区中普遍存在的一种可悲的情形。The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community.
- 不过,郑先生发现许多国际传媒对香港回归中国的报道中普遍的悲观情绪仍然明显可见。However, Mr Cheng finds that there is too much general pessimism still obvious in many international media reports about the return of Hong Kong to China.
- 普遍存在的悲观情绪.the pervasive mood of pessimism
- 但也有人担心再次出现19世纪末普遍存在的那种阶层大战。But some fear an upswelling of the kind of class warfare common in the late l9th century.
- 他攻击那些散布悲观情绪和煽动分裂的人。He attacked those who sowed dismay and division.
- 他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落.His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.
- 普遍存在的对妇女的暴力,包括性剥削、拐卖人口和家庭暴力High incidence of violence against women, including sexual exploitation, human trafficking and domestic violence
- 外商对本港经济前景的悲观情绪Pessimistic Mood of Foreign Investors Regards the Prospects of the Local Economy
- 普遍存在ubiquity
- 普遍存在的ubiquitous
- 普遍存在的倾向a ubiquitous trend
- 市场产品划一与否,以及市场资讯是否透明及准确,是普遍存在的问题。There are the common issues concerning the homogeneity of the product in the market concerned, and the transparency and accuracy of market information.
- 这是普遍存在的倾向。It's a ubiquitous trend.
- 贷款的超额需求是普遍存在的。Excess demand for credit is common.
- 原先普遍存在著对那一地区生活的成见越来越站不住脚了。Common preconceptions about life in this district are increasingly being challenged.
- 普遍存在的种族主义问题the endemic problem of racism
- 普遍存在的污秽、 恐惧.the omnipresent squalor, dread
- 考虑到普遍存在的问题Considering the problems that prevail on
- 现代社会中普遍存在的贪婪the greed that pervades modern society
- 普遍存在的污秽﹑ 恐惧.the omnipresent squalor, dread