- 灰ash
- 蝶butterfly
- 贵阳地区豆野螟和亮灰蝶的生物学特性Biological characteristics of the bean pod borer and bean butterfly in Guiyang
- 多年来for the past many years
- 用来be used for
- 来看(v) interpret a topic from a certain point of view
- 灰熊grizzly bear
- 由来origin
- 灰蝶hairstreak; lycaenid
- 来这里come here
- 拿来bring
- 金蝶Kingdee
- 灰分ash content
- 新来的newcome
- 灰的ashy
- 豹纹蝶fritillary
- 来料supplied materials
- 年来over the last ... years
- 灰绿色mignonette
- 向来always