- 晋name of a dynasty
- 那个军官由于不光彩的行径而被降职。The officer was reduced in rank for dishonourable action.
- 总经理将那名雇员降职。The general manager downgraded the employee.
- 晋辟雍碑Stele in the"Pi Yong" Hall of the Jin Dynasty
- 老板把他降职到分公司工作。The boss shunted him to a branch office.
- 动态降职Dynamic demotion
- 晋祠Jin Memorial Hall
- 把一个军官降职disrate an officer
- 升官晋爵To be elevated to a higher position and advanced in peerage
- 上尉因玩忽职守而被降职。The captain was broken for neglect of duty.
- 他被晋封为贵族。He's been elevated to the peerage.
- 她被降职为助理经理。She was downgraded to assistant manager.
- 他晋了级。He was elevated to a higher rank.
- 就地免职或降职be dismissed on the spot or demoted
- 晋祠宋代塑像Song Dynasty Sculptures in the Jin Memorial Hall
- 军法审判后中十被降职为列兵。The sergeant was reduced to private after the court-martial.
- 镇江晋墓砖画paintings on Jin tomb bricks in Zhenjiang
- 托马斯因为不奉承他的顶头上司而被降职。Thomas was put down from the office for not fawning upon his immediate superior.
- 晋祠圣母殿彩塑painted sculptures in Goddess Hall of Jin Temple
- 这位官员被降职。The officer was reduced in rank.