- 晋升的机会很少.There are very few opportunities for promotion.
- 这工作毫无前途 (晋升的机会很小).The job has no prospects, ie offers little possibility of promotion.
- 他夺得冠军的机会很少!Fat chance he has of winning the title!
- 这工作毫无前途(晋升的机会很小).The job has no prospects,ie offers little possibility of promotion.
- 事实上,危及他们通信的机会是很少的。In fact, the chances of compromising their communications were slim.
- 他们提出一项共同企划的案子。不能守时上班的员工是不会被考虑晋升的。They put forward a proposal fora joint project.
- 在大型企业中遇到另一个困难,就是直接领导常常抓住有资格晋升的人员不放。Another difficulty encountered in large enterprises is the hoarding of promotable persons by their immediate superiors.
- 我很少佩戴校徽。I seldom wear the school badge.
- 做这份工作有多少晋升的机会?What are the prospects of promotion in this job?
- 由于时间仓促,记者们往往很少有机会能按照自己爱好的风格写稿。As a result of the haste, reporters frequently have little opportunity to indulge in their own stylistic preferences.
- 他出国的机会甚少。He have little opportunity of go abroad.
- 自1979年起,廉政公署每年都会为新晋升的中层主管人员,举办一个总调查主任指挥课程。Since 1979, the ICAC has conducted its Chief Investigators Command Course on a yearly basis - a management development programme for our newly promoted middle ranking supervisors.
- 他的演讲,剥去堆砌的华丽的词藻,实实在在的内容很少。Tear off the rhetorical top-dressing form his speech and you find there's very little solid content.
- 留心找个能使你在公司晋升的机会,这样的机会不常有。Watch out for a chance to improve your position in the firm,they don't come very often.
- 目前出版业的工作机会很少。Jobs in publishing are very thin on the ground at the moment.
- 像那样的机会,你能得到的实在是太少了。It's only once in a blue moon that you get an opportunity like that.
- 因犯罪而失去晋升的机会to sin away one's promotion
- 现在很少有国王是掌握政权的。Few kings now hold the reins of government.
- 是否你寻找意中人的机会也会越来越少?Are you chance of finding your soul mate less and less?
- 由于交通设施的发展,现在很少人愿意步行,这是很可惜的。It is regrettable that few people shall walk today because of the development of traffic facilities.