- 雌雄莫辨Unable to distinguish the sex identity
- 不可破译的密码、 难以辨识的签字、 潦草莫辨的字迹.an indecipherable code, signature, scribble, etc
- 事烦莫惧,可以化繁就简;是非莫辩,可以改非为真;操守莫亏,可以清廉自持;因果莫负,可以事理一如。Don't be afraid of complex affairs; simplify them. Don't argue when wronged; change wrong to right. Be discreet and incorruptible. Follow the law of causality to realize the truth.
- 不可破译的密码﹑ 难以辨识的签字﹑ 潦草莫辨的字迹.an indecipherable code, signature, scribble, etc
- 是非right and wrong
- 莫do not
- 辨distinguish
- 对于小孩来说,分辨是非是困难的。It is hard for young children to distinguish right from wrong.
- 莫大greatest
- 辨别是非differentiate between right and wrong; discriminate between right and wrong
- 辨明right oneself
- 莫大的greatest
- 是非感moral sense
- 莫泊桑Maupassant
- 可辨别的recognizable
- 是非的分辨the discrimination between right and wrong
- 明辨clear discrimination
- 是非自有高速。Public opinion will decide which is right and which is wrong.
- 律师论辨说这一裁决侵害了他的委托人。The attorney argue that the decision involve prejudice to his client.
- 神秘莫测wrapped in a shroud of mystery