- 规定provision
- 明确clear-cut
- 《京都议定书》没有明确规定各国应花费多少钱来减少气体的排放量。The protocol does not specify how much money nations should pay to limit gas emissions.
- 规定的prescriptive
- 明确的unambiguous
- 明确规定某人的职责(或责任)to define someone's duties(or responsibilities)
- 作明确规定clearly define
- 俱乐部应对其宗旨作明确规定。The club must give a clear definition of its goals.
- 作了明确规定make explicit provisions
- 明确规定的工作守则a strongly defined work ethic
- 此时还明确规定了采用隔板加固和改善结构以保证连合的公认原则。In addition, the recognized principles of stiffening by diaphragms and improved framing to provide continuity were specified.
- 有明确规定,要缴纳!!!Have specific provision, want pay! ! !
- 团体中明确规定的职责a clearly defined role within the group
- 摘要洗钱罪自从在刑法中明确规定以来,其规范内容一直在不断地修正与完善。Since money laundering crime explicitly stipulated in the criminal law, its standard content are continuously in revision and consummation.
- 中国宪法明确规定男女同工同酬。The constitution provides the principle of equal pay for equal work to men and women alike.
- 合同明确规定谁可以操作机器。The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.
- 政府采购法明确规定购买国货Legislation Requires Government to Procure Domestic Products
- 我国宪法中应明确规定知情权The Right to Know Must Be Stipulated in the Constitution of Our Country Definitely
- 宪法明确规定,公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威和宗教信仰的自由。The Constitution clearly states that citizens enjoy freedom of speech,of the press,of assembly,of association,of procession,of demonstration and of religious belief.
- 在许多机关里,规则或法规明确规定的程序与法院采用的撤销传票的动议一样。In many agencies, rules or statutes explicitly provide a procedure similar to the motion to quash a subpoena that is used in the courts.