- 专业术语generic term
- 语法术语grammatical term
- 他穿着时髦。He is a stylish dresser.
- 贸易术语standard trade surplus
- 这套西装式样时髦。The suit has a fashionable cut.
- 医学术语medical term
- 时髦的女发型a fashionable hairdo
- 法律术语legalese
- 现在短裙很时髦。Short skirts are fashionable now.
- 术语表glossary
- 她戴上一顶时髦的帽子,又增添了一分魅力。She added a touch of glamour by wearing a fashionable hat.
- (重要而难懂的)专门术语buzzword ; jargon
- 时髦的大衣a swagger coat
- 时髦的字眼a vogue word
- 有些专门术语不在本词典的范围内。Some technical terms are beyond the scope of this dictionary.
- 我不熟悉化学术语。I am not familiar with chemical terms.
- 她把两女儿打扮得非常时髦。She rigged her tow daughters out in lastest fashion.
- 不时髦的服装unfashionable attire.
- 律师的术语中颇有些怪字。There are many strange words in the vernacular of the lawyers.
- 富丽堂皇的时髦者glossy trendsetters.