- 网络network
- 价格时间敏感需求price and response time sensible demand
- 这就是说,如果正在做的进程监控是很复杂或对时间敏感,那么应该明确用Perl。This said, you should definitely use Perl if the process monitoring you are doing is very complex or time sensitive.
- 网络连接network connections
- 可以使用快速标记来按优先级或时间敏感性标记邮件,无论它们在哪个文件夹里都能找到。Instead, use Quick Flags to flag messages by priority or time sensitivity and find them in whichever folder they are located in.
- 网络设置network settings
- 其客户特别是对时间敏感的制造业、贸易及零售业客户,得以专注其核心业务,缩短业务周转时间。Their customers, particularly those in the time-sensitive manufacturing, trading and retail sectors, can thus concentrate on their core competencies and reduce their business cycle time.
- 网络技术network technology
- 电脑网络Internet
- 计算机网络computer network
- 神经网络NN
- 网络设备network equipment
- 网络中心hub
- 她没有时间观念。She has no sense of time.
- 网络科技network technology
- 网络驱动器network drive
- 网络管理network management
- 网络管理员network administrator
- 时间敏感time-sensitive
- 网络游戏online game