- 定to set
- 它还包括霍尔元件输入、整流控制定序器、固定停机时间脉冲宽度调制(PWM)电流控制以及锁定转子保护。It also includes, Hall element inputs, a sequencer for commutation control, fixed off time pulse width modulation (PWM) current control and locked rotor protection.
- 排序顺序属性将以优先级的降序顺序来指定。The sort order properties are specified in descending order of precedence.
- 用相关元素定序法实现乐观并发控制Implementation of practical concurrency control with interrelated-element-order method
- 顺序sequence
- 你的个人会晤时间定在今天下午两点。Your private meeting will be at two this afternoon.
- 如果您想按降序顺序排列“总销售额”(以便查看哪种产品最畅销),请执行以下操作If you want to sort the Sum of Sales in descending order (to see which product sells the most), do the following
- 定序问题fixed order
- 分子筛纯化器再生活化过程的顺序控制To Accomplish the Regeneration and Activation of Molecular Sieve Purifier Using Sequential Control
- 我们最好把曝光时间定在六十分之一秒。We had better give it an exposure of 1/60 of a second.
- 待定undetermined
- PLC顺序控制在气动多缸演奏系统中的应用PLC Based Sequential Control Method and its Application in a Multi-cylinder Pneumatic Performing System
- 绑定binding
- 定序变量ordinal data
- 皮带运输控制系统顺序控制程序编制的一种方法A Method of Sequential Control for the Control System of Belt Conveyers
- 下次开会时间定在晚上八点二十分。The time appointed for the next meeting was 8 : 2 0 p.m. .
- 最后他们对明天的辅导课的时间定在什么时候了?What time do they make up at last for tomorrow's tutorial?
- 显示顺序控制display sequence control
- 定序尺度ordinal scale
- 顺序控制指令scr