- 只有那圣洁的旋律在荒野和孤寂中时起时落的宁静中荡漾。The holy strain arose singly on the breathing silence of the wilderness.
- 我的成绩时起时落。My grades went up and down.
- 有很长一段时间她的情绪时起时落,时好时坏。There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw. Up and down.
- 他们的婚姻,像坐云霄飞车般时起时落。Their marriage seems like a roller coaster ride.
- 价格时起时落,谁知道明年要卖多少钱?With prices now rising,now falling,who knows what it will cost next year?
- 孤独的感觉时起时落,但我们却永远需要与人交谈,把每日看到的和想到的琐事向人倾诉。The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but our need to talk goes on forever, to tell some one the daily succession of small observations and opinions.
- 例如妥协的空气时起时伏,主张妥协者的根据就是“再战必亡”。For instance, from time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises and the advocates of compromise argue that "the continuance of the war spells subjugation".
- 时涨时落price continually fluctuates and oscillates
- 物价时涨时落。Prices rise and fall.
- 起时time-out
- 这灌木在我摔下时起了缓冲作用。The bush acted as a cushion to my fall.
- 他赛跑时落在后面。He was left behind in the race.
- 所有的古树在拔起时失去他们的建筑护甲而变成中型护甲。Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming medium armor units.
- 水手们在暴风雨来临时落下了船帆。The men took in sail when the storm approached.
- 从他是小孩子时起我就认识他了。I've known him ever since he was a boy.
- 风再起时,火又燃了起来。The fire flamed out when the wind blew again.
- 房价一直时涨时落,但最终应该会趋于稳定。House prices keep rising and falling but they should eventually even out.
- 他们在出海时起了风暴。There was a storm blowing up while they were out at sea.
- 落幕,在表演或戏剧的一幕结束时落下或关闭幕布。The fall or closing of a theater curtain at the end of a performance or an act.
- 风再起时When The Wind Starts Again