- 时空space-time
- 轨迹locus
- 时空的spatio-temporal
- 运动轨迹movement locus
- 超越时空to transcend time and space
- 轨迹球trackball
- 时空隧道time tunnel
- 额外轨迹extraneous locus
- 轨迹线trochoid
- 宇宙学把有形的宇宙当做时空中的各种现象的总和来研究的科学The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space.
- 发展轨迹development track
- 跨越时空across the time and space
- 回旋轮在游乐场中乘坐的,一串沿着一椭圆形轨迹运动的快速、突转的小车A ride in an amusement park, consisting of small cars that move in a rapid, whipping motion along an oval track.
- 这些古色古香的各式物品把我们带入古老而悠远的时空,带给我们无限的遐想与回忆。An array of artifacts and antiques bring us tour to these days and confer up old memory and fantasy.
- 渐屈线一给定曲线率中心的轨迹The locus of the centers of curvature of a given curve.
- 主观时空subjective time and space
- 抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.
- 气时空速gas hourly space velocity
- 白色光轨迹achromatic locus
- 德呜时空de sitter space time