- 时戳time stamp
- 服务service
- 时hour
- 数字时间戳服务Digital time-stamping service(DTS)
- 全局时戳global timestamp
- 基于证书权威(CA)中心的时间戳服务系统的实现Realization of Time Stamp Service System Based on Certificate Authority Center
- 随机延迟网络控制系统中的分段时戳动态矩阵控制Segmented Time-stamped Dynamic Matrix Control for Networked Control Systems with Random Delays
- 客户服务customer service
- 分时time-sharing
- 服务的ministrant
- 咨询服务counseling
- 过时old-fashioned
- 到时arrival time
- 服务质量Quality of Service
- 张家瀚、杨中皇,支援链结机制之标准化时戳实作,2007知识社群与资讯安全研讨会,文化大学,2007年5月。Chun-Chih Peng and Chung-Huang Yang , "Design and Implementation for Integer Factorization and Primality Testing Tools with Elliptic Curve on Windows Platforms," 2007 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security, Sasebo, Japan, January 2007.
- 优质服务knight sarvice
- 与时俱进advance with the times
- 时间戳timestamp
- 服务提供商(Internet) service provider
- 几时what time; when