- 摘要宜春话有一个将来时态助词“格”。There is a very special future tense auxiliary ge in Yichun dialect.
- 一种语言的时间系统是通过时间名词、间副词、时态助词、位词及其相关的句法结构共同表现出来的。The time system of a language is jointly shown by its time noun, time adverb, tense particle, localizer and relevant syntactic structures.
- 时态(verb) tense
- 助词particle (grammatical)
- 过去时态preterit
- 现在时态primary tenses
- 关于近代汉语中事态助词"去"的几个问题A Few Questions on Aspectual Particle "qu" in Modern Chinese
- 汉语结构助词"的"书写形式之演变与分合The Development of the Written Form of the Chinese Structural Auxiliery "de" and the Issue of its Combination and Division
- 完成时态perfect tense
- 助词"的"介入的称说变动--从叙述到指称到判断On the Reference Transformation of the Auxiliary Word"De"Getting Involved--From Narrative to Refere
- 时态变化shifting of tenses
- 比较级虚助词comparative particle
- 过去时态的preterite
- 老师指导学生把简单的语句,用形容词和助词等加以扩大。The students can be guided to make a simple sentence more interesting and refinded by expanding it with adjectives and adverbs.
- 这个动词使用的是现在时态。The verb is in the present tense.
- 副助词adverb auxiliary word
- 未完成时态the imperfect tense
- 不定式助词infinitive particle
- 时态的一致concord of tenses
- 格助词auxiliary