- 时光如梭啊!还有什么我能为你做的吗?How time flies! Is there anything I can do for you?
- 你现在是个漂亮的姑娘了,我还记得你小时候的样子呢!真是时光如梭啊!I still remember when were a child. Now you're a pretty young lady. How time flies!
- 岁月如梭。The days glide swiftly along.
- 大多数感染的伤口含有普通的土壤细菌,如梭菌。Most often infected wounds are found to harbor ordinary soil-dwelling bacteria, such as the clostridia.
- 他们度过了一段极快乐的时光。They enjoyed a jolly good time.
- 时光流逝不可逆转。The lapse of time is irreversible.
- 中老年妇女们除了在假日烹饪大餐、在岁月如梭中慢慢变姥之外就无所事事,这种日子已经过时了。The days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays and knitting themselves slowly into senility are gone.
- 白天的时光diurnal hours
- 懒散地消磨时光laze time away
- 时光一年一年地悄然流逝。The years glided past.
- 我在海滨度过了一段极其愉快的时光。I had a glorious time at the seaside.
- 浪费某人的时光to frivol away one's time
- 看电视消磨时光to spend time watching TV
- 安逸的时光a spiffy time
- 以跳舞打发夜晚时光to wear away the night in dancing
- 时光悄悄地流逝。The days just glided by.
- 很愉快的时光a staving good time
- 时光绵绵abyss of time
- 退休后你怎么消磨时光?How will you pass your time after you are retired?
- 一段非常美好的时光a jolly good time