- 时hour
- 如果电平指示器旁边的红色点在您录制时亮起,则请降低输入信号,然后再次尝试录制。If the red dots next to the level meters light up while you record, lower the input signal and try recording again.
- 让那些灯光照规定时明时灭,你想真是一个构造复杂的机械。Imagine what a complicated mechanism it must take to keep all those lights blinking on and off at the right times.
- 例如,选择单选按钮时亮灯。 如果和软件进行适当集成,即使是刻度盘上的指针位置也能够提供导航信息。Car radio buttons that, for example, light when selected, even a needle’s position on a dial, can provide navigational information if integrated appropriately with the software.
- 让那些灯光照规定时明时灭,你想真是一个构造复杂的机械。Imagine what a complicated mechanism it must take to keep all those lights blinking on and off at the right times.
- 天快亮时,颇有些寒意了。It came over chilly as night melted into dawn.
- 分时time-sharing
- 灭extinguish
- 点亮illumine
- 过时old-fashioned
- 到时arrival time
- 在红灯亮时,你本应该停下来。You originally should stop when the red lamp shines.
- 与时俱进advance with the times
- 几时what time; when
- 报时give the correct time
- 天时climate
- 现在完成时present perfect
- 加时overtime
- 现在时present tense
- 守时punctual